Thursday, February 5, 2009

Vote of Confidence

(reading an email to The Boy that I received in the midst of our recent cold snap)


No Little League Team / Manager should start or conduct a practice with the temperature below 40°degrees.

The Team Manager should use caution and exercise good judgment when temperatures are 40°-45° degrees”. This policy is guideline and not meant to replace common sense.


Him: "So . . . . its up to our Little League coach to decide to cancel practice when it's too cold to play?"

Me: "Yep, that's right"

Him, walking away with a heavy sigh, "That's it, we're screwed."


jimbizzle said...

With talk like that you would think he's already in the big leagues!

Helen Maddox said...

He is so right - those coaches absolutely do not think when it comes to temp. They all want to be world champs - no matter if the kids are in pre-K and it is 20 degrees outside - seen it - been through it with the kids....

Better idea - let Ian be coach - much more common sense in that kid than a whole league full of adult male coaches....