Thursday, March 8, 2007

End of the Innocence

Tonight, I took The Boy to baseball practice. While I was unloading all of the team uniforms (I'm the team mom, God help me) and his equipment bag from the back of my car, The Boy stood patiently and soon took notice of a very tan, blonde, very pretty lady jogger trotting toward us, wearing a sports bra, little running shorts, and earbuds attached to her iPod.

The Boy silently watched her approach and then run by us. When she had passed us and turned a corner, he bent slightly at the waist and began yelling at the crotch of his pants, scolding "Bad penis! BAD PENIS!"

They should really start selling alcohol at the ballpark concession.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know your a buissy working mom and you are now the team mom, but im in serious need of more cute kid stories and blogg entries could you get on that for me. ASAP... Just kidding. but seriously please more storiess.