Sunday, December 16, 2007

Can't really argue with his logic

(Riding down the road, seemingly lost in deep thought as he stared out the window) Do you know what I think the worst thing about eating dog poop would be?

(Me, feeling queasy) No . . . what?

(Him, with a definitive nod) The aftertaste.


Irish said...

I know people that could vouch for that. He's wise.

jimbizzle said...

The after taste doesn't seam all that bad. I expect it would play out something like this.

1: Eat poop
2: Puke everything up that I've ate that day. This may or may not include part or all of one's intestinal track.
3: You notice the bitter acid after taste of puke.

So I think it would be the frist initial taste that would be the worst.